With its distinctive pink color before cooking once cooked they have a characteristic beige speckled with red spots (pintas) from where the get their name. They are small kidney-shaped and have great flavor.
Pinto Beans are high in iron, potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, folates and B vitamins are very low in cholesterol. Because of its high protein content they are ideal for athletes, children and pregnant women.

Format: S-314
Volume: 314
Net Weight: 295
Drained Weight: 210
DUN: 18412100031096
EAN: 8412100031099
Units Tray | Trays Pallet | Units Pallet | Pallet Weight |
12 | 140 | 1680 | 885 |

Format: S-580
Volume: 580
Net Weight: 560
Drained Weight: 400
DUN: 10000084121087
EAN: 84121080
Units tray | Trays Pallet | Units Pallet | Pallet Weight |
12 | 84 | 1008 | 930 |

Format: 1/2 Kg
Volume: 425
Net Weight: 400
Drained Weight: 250
DUN: 18412100031003
EAN: 8412100031006
Units tray | trays Pallet | Units Pallet | pallet weight |
12 | 66 | 792 | 812 |

Format: 1 Kg
Volume: 850
Net Weight: 840
Drained Weight: 500
DUN: 18412100041002
EAN: 8412100041005
Units tray | trays Pallet | Units Pallet | Pallet Weight |
12 | 66 | 792 | 812 |

Format: 3 Kg
Volume: 2650
Net Weight: 2500
Drained Weight: 1600
DUN: 18412100081008
EAN: 8412100081004
Units Tray | trays Pallet | Units Pallet | pallet weight |
12 | 66 | 792 | 812 |